Field Days
* Dates of Field Days for 2023 to be confirmed *
"Behind the Scenes" at Fire Communication Centres Field Days
Learn & see behind the scenes at the Fire Communication Centres - including day-to-day operations, comms side of the radio, resources & abilities available
Central region: ​Central Communication Centre, Wellington Central Police Station - Level 7
Cnr Victoria and Harris Street / Maning Lane, Wellington. 04 801 0812
Northern region: ​Northern Communication Centre, Piki Ki Te Ao, 482 Great South Road, Otahuhu, Auckland, 09 486 7948 / 09 486 7949
Southern region: ​Southern Communication Centre, Justice & Emergency Services Precinct, 40 Lichfield Street, Christchurch 8011, 03 341 0266
Railway Field Days
Dates to be confirmed.
Glenbrook in Auckland
Ferrymead in Christchurch
Fuel Depot Field Day
Dates and locations to be confirmed.
We hope to repeat our Timaru Fuel Depot field day and extend it around the country.
PT Rescue - Safely Tackling Electrical Vehicle (EV) & Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Fires Field Day
Dates and locations to be confirmed.
Car fire blankets are being distributed in NZ by PT Rescue. There will be a blend of training sessions at their headquarters, and these can be run at interested brigades. The aim is this will bring a few brigades together for training sessions when and where they choose.
Hydro Electric Generation Field Days
Dates and locations to be confirmed around New Zealand.
Hydro Electric Generation have inherent risk relevant to fire brigades.
We hope to have these going as soon as we are at green covid levels.